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Manage Panels

Data Type

You can manage panels by specifying panel as <dataType> in the SEAL OP-CLI call:

opcli panel <command> <option>

Display the Options and Parameters

By specifying the --help option, you get the available options and parameters for the panel data type:

opcli panel --help

Create a Panel

With the create command, you create a panel:

opcli panel create <name> --service-id <serviceId> [--metadata <metadata>] [--owner <owner>] [--task-id <taskId>] [--type <type>]
  • <name>: Name of the panel; mandatory

  • --metadata <metadata>: Metadata in JSON syntax, for example, `'{"metadata1":"value1"}'``

  • --owner <owner>: Account name of the user who is to be the owner of the task

  • --service-id <serviceId>: Type of the panel to be created; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

  • --task-id <taskId>: ID of the task to be add to the created panel

  • --type <type>: Panel type; mandatory if the connector supports multiple types, for example, the operator-dpf connector

Example - create an empty panel named panel1 for the operator-p4 connector

opcli panel create panel1 --service-id operator-p4

Example - create an panel named panel2 for the operator-p4 connector containing the specified task

opcli panel create panel2 --service-id operator-p4 --task-id 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc

Example - create an empty panel named Convert for the convert type of the operator-dpf connector

opcli panel create Convert --service-id operator-dpf --type convert

Get the Data of a Panel

With the get command, you get the metadata of a panel. The metadata are output as JSON object on STDOUT.

opcli panel get <panelId>
  • <panelId>: ID of the panel; mandatory

    Hint - pid

    The panel ID is the value of the pid setting and output when the panel is created, for example, "pid":"a2b9bb1b-9b8c-4df2-9b8b-0550aa16770e".

Example - get the metadata of the panel with the ID a2b9bb1b-9b8c-4df2-9b8b-0550aa16770e

opcli panel get a2b9bb1b-9b8c-4df2-9b8b-0550aa16770e

Get the Metadata of All Panels

With the list command, you get the metadata of all panels. You can filter the panels by arbitrary metadata. The metadata are output as JSON object on STDOUT.

opcli panel list [-q,--queue <key>=<value>]*
  • -q,--queue <key>=<value>: Arbitrary filter parameter; regular expressions are supported; the option can be specified several times; default: none

Example - get the metadata of all panels

opcli panel list

Example - get the metadata of all panels with serviceId=operator-p5 and name starting with Hoho

opcli panel list -q "serviceId=operator-p5" -q name=/^Hoho/

Replace or Delete the Metadata of a Panel

With the replace-meta command, you replace the metadata of a panel. The existent metadata are deleted and the specified metadata are set. For deleting the existent metadata, specify an empty JSON object as metadata. However, name has to be specified at least.

opcli panel replace-meta <panelId> --file <file>|--metadata <metadata>
  • <panelId>: ID of the panel; mandatory

  • --file <file>: Path and name of a file containing the new data as JSON object

  • --metadata <metadata>: New data in JSON syntax, for example, `'{"name":"new_name"}'``

Example - rename the panel

opcli panel replace-meta a2b9bb1b-9b8c-4df2-9b8b-0550aa16770e --metadata '{"name":"<new_name>"}'

Example - replace the data of the panel by the metadata specified in the metadata.json file

opcli panel replace-meta a2b9bb1b-9b8c-4df2-9b8b-0550aa16770e --file metadata.json

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